Payment Policies (Educare & Enrichment Class and Online Learning Programs)
The AKiddos Educare & Learning has been established to serve the child care needs of the community. Registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
Upon entering the childcare programme, the first month’s fee will be due;
The amount of payment due each month is the same (annual rate divided into 12 monthly installments), regardless of the number of the days of school or attendance. Holidays and other scheduled school days off are not included in the calculation of annual rate.
All fees must be paid by the relevant due date(s);
Once fees have been paid, there will be no refunds unless otherwise stated;
A non-refundable registration fee of RM50 is due at the time of application;
Fees paid are not transferable.
We required at least one-month advance cancellation notice for a full refund of deposit payment fee.
Payment of fees:
There will be no reduction of fees for non-attendance. Any child going on vacation has to pay the full fees if his/her place is to be reserved. All fees must be paid by latest, Friday of 1st week of each month.
In the event that your payment is dishonored for any reason then you shall be liable for any dishonor fee incurred by AKiddos.
Late Payment Fee:
A late payment penalty charge of RM10.00 will be imposed on all outstanding fees by the relevant due date(s).
Payment notices will be handed out the last week of each month.
All fees must be paid in full on or before commencement of each term.
Students who have outstanding fees will not be allowed to proceed to the following term of studies and may be terminated from their studies.
Late Pick-up Fee:
The After School Programmes closes promptly at 6:00 p.m. All children are expected to be picked up by that time. Although no child would ever be left unattended, a fee of RM1 per minute will be demanded after 6.00 p.m.
Method of Payment:
Payments can be made by crossed cheque, cash or direct banking payable to AKIDDOS EDUCARE & LEARNING.
Bank: Maybank :
Account Name/ Payable to : AKIDDOS EDUCARE & LEARNING
Account Number : 5570 8105 2009
Full Year Fee Payment:
A 5% discount on all types of packages will be given for children who pay in full or the 12-month fees upfront.
Deferment of Studies:
No refund of fees for deferment.
Refund of Fees:
All fees which have been paid are NOT refundable unless
the programme has not commenced;
the death or serious illness of a parent or guardian of the student which will result in the financial inability to continue with the programme;
serious illness of the student which will result in the inability to continue with the programme
For items number 2 & 3, ONLY Medical Certificate (MC) from Hospital can be accepted. The MC need to be submitted to Akiddos for verification and approval.