Discounts Scheme
Returning Student:
Returning Akiddos students (e.g. Year 1 to Year 2 of studies) are entitled 5% (T & C apply) fee (homework guidance & enrichment class) waiver for a twelve-month study.
Sibling Discount:
A fee discount (homework guidance & enrichment class) will be given to the sibling in a family if the sibling has completed or is still attending programmes at AKiddos.
Fee Discount Amount (%)
Sibling in a family
2nd (5%)
3rd (8%)
4th and above (10%)
If the first sibling is still attending his / her programme at AKiddos, he / she pay their monthly fees in full, every month, for the second sibling to be eligible for the discount, for a twelve-month study.
Refer-a-Friend Scheme:
Terms & Conditions
In order to be eligible for the reward, the person who is introducing a friend must be a current AKiddos student who has paid for at least one programme for the current sitting.
Introducer will receive RM50 for the package booked.
The new student can only be introduced by one person (other people cannot claim to have introduced the same person).
The new student must not have previously attended programmes with Akiddos.
Introduce a friend payments will not be paid until the programmes has been paid for and attended by both the person recommending the new student.
Note:The management of AKiddos Educare & Learning reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of the Refer-a-Friend scheme without prior notice.